to Quantum Reflexology & New Frontier Publishing.



Christine C. Issel, M.A., National Board Certified Reflexologist, with her extensive background in reflexology which spans more than 40 years, celebrates "the simplicity of Reflexology and its dynamic results.


Christine consults and lectures on all aspects of reflexology from curriculum development to techniques to research and the history of this most powerful healing discipline.

She is an author, editor, international lecturer, conference organizer, founder of reflexology associations and organizations, serves as a consultant to several reflexology boards and acts as a legislative advocate.


Her latest book on reflexology, "Energy: The New Frontier in Reflexology" is now available.


Purchase her new webinar series "Reflexology: An Energy Perspective."

Every change you make gives everyone in this world the opportunity for change.  Because of change, you have opened the door for others. However, make your changes for yourself and no one else.
~Marcy Calhoun

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